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Jesus is the Messiah? Explain this to me please.

People of the world the whole Bible is about Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament Christ is hidden and in the New Testament He Christ is revealed. That is why in some Bibles you see now the letters are in red in the New testament, this means the Christ, the Savior is here and whenever you see the letters in red in the New Testament this means Christ The Savior is speaking. Messiah means Christ the anointed and chosen one of God to save mankind from their sins. for He Christ Saves us from the eternal penalty of our sins. He saves us from God the Father justly punishing us for our sins. In the Old Testament the Jewish people were always waiting for the Savior who would come into the world to save them from their sins, and they were always looking for him because God promised he would send a Savior for the people. So, you can imagine the joy, you can imagine the excitement they had when they knew the Savior, thus our Savior had come into the world and was here in our midst. Jesus is the Messiah he saves us from our sins, he saves us from God's wrath that was upon us because of our sins. Jesus places us in the hands of his loving, heavenly Father where we are in safety and where we shall be forevermore in his kingdom (Matthew 1:18) (Matthew 16:16) (Matthew 26:62-64) (Mark 1:1) (Mark 8:29) (John 1:41) (John 4:25-26) (John 11:27) (John 13:19) (John 20:31) (Acts 2:36) (Acts 5:42) (Acts 9:22).


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